
The Insignia News

At the global level and in partnership with the United Nations.. Launching the fourth edition of Prince Mohammad Bin Fahd International Foundation's Global Insignia for Best Voluntary Work

At the global level and in partnership with the United Nations.. Launching the fourth edition of Prince Mohammad Bin Fahd International Foundation's Global Insignia for Best Voluntary Work

 Arab Voluntary Union - Kingdom of Bahrain

The Prince Mohammad Bin Fahd International Foundation launches a global Insignia for Best Voluntary Work for the fourth year in a row in collaboration with the Arab Voluntary Union. Registration for participating projects starts on the fifth of July, 2022, and until the 15th of August, 2022. The prize will be launched on International Volunteer Day, which falls on the fifth of December of each year.

Dr. Issa Al-Ansari, Secretary-General of the Prince Mohammad Bin Fahd International Foundation said, “We invite volunteers from around the world to take part in this global initiative, this prize comes within the goals of the foundation to spread the culture of volunteer work in the Arab countries in particular and the world in general and to encourage volunteers to create and develop innovative projects”.

In addition, Dr. Al-Ansari explained that Prince Mohammad Bin Fahd International Foundation's Insignia for Best Voluntary Work in its previous versions received a positive global impact among humanitarian and charitable institutions and international organizations specialized in developing and promoting the sustainable development goals of the United Nations. Also, the insignia received considerable interaction from many Arab and international organizations and institutions. The outputs of this insignia with the participation of international institutions and organizations and the recognition of the universality of the award became known widely.

Dr. Al-Ansari also explained that the followers of the insignia are fully aware that the Prince Mohammad Bin Fahd International Foundation always puts forward new ideas for the sustainability of the award and it’s keeping up with global changes. The fourth version is going to be challenging with a new youthful vision coming up in presenting ideas and projects related to the SDGs, especially after the Coronavirus pandemic. In explaining the strong partnership between the Prince Mohammad Bin Fahd International Foundation, the Arab Volunteer Union, and the insignia partners have strengthened the award’s position worldwide, and to ensure success in this version will be expanded with many organizations of the United Nations, which will enhance the ability of the award to spread globally and achieve wide participation to reach the noble goals for why does it exist. 

For his part, Mr. Hassan Bouhaza, President of the Arab Voluntary Union, confirmed that this version will target civil society organizations, licensed voluntary initiatives, and private institutions in addition to commercial companies to participate in this global prize. 

“The prize this year will cover various fields which are: the fields of education and illiteracy elimination, environment, climate change, and hunger elimination, health and well-being, economic empowerment and decent job, heritage, culture, and art, in addition to life underwater”. Mr. Buhazza added.

The head of the Arab Volunteering Union indicated that the Submission of voluntary projects started from the beginning of July, 2022 and will be running until the 15th of October, 2022, projects can be submitted in English or Arabic, and participants will have to fill out a form that is currently available across the official websites of the Prince Mohammad Bin Fahd International Foundation and the Arab Voluntary Union site through this link:

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